Dallas Christian Counseling Services

Life is messy. How do we react in times of trouble? How do we deal with dysfunctional relationships, sex addiction, anxiety, or depression? Christian counseling can help. At Pocta Counseling we walk alongside our clients; together, we work through client’s issues, inviting Christ to move us towards authentic heart change. 

Pocta Counseling offers its services to individuals 18 and older. If the client is 17 years of age. or younger, we have a network of trusted, local associates and firms to which we will happily refer them.

Dallas Counseling Services - Pocta Counseling


We Specialize in the following biblical, Christian counseling Services:

Couples and Marriage Counseling »

Marriage is a beautiful gift, a wonderful picture of Christ and the Church. But how do we navigate the waters of this special relationship? We’re here to help. Click here to learn more.

Family Therapy »

While families are a wonderful blessing, family dynamics can be challenging. Counseling can help your family celebrate its unique qualities. Click here to learn more. 

Pastoral Counseling »

When the shepherd needs shepherding where does he turn? Pastoral counseling for ministers is available. Click here to learn more.

Premarital Counseling »

What is the purpose of marriage, and how will you both last under that purpose? Find the answers and begin your journey. Click here to learn more.

Depression Treatment »

For some, the symptoms of depression may come and go; other times it can feel pervasive. But you are not alone. Pocta Counseling can help. Click to learn more.

Anger Counseling »

Sometimes, perfectly legitimate emotions, like anger, can become too intense. But there are healthy and productive ways to deal with anger. Click to learn more.

Anxiety Treatment »

Sometimes, dealing with anxiety can lead to a crippling, downward emotional spiral. But you can reclaim your life. Click here to begin that process.

Childhood Trauma »

When trauma is experienced in childhood, it may take years, even decades to come to light. Fortunately, there is help. Click to learn more.

Adoption Issues »

With adoption comes a multitude of joys; however, resulting issues of identity, guilt, and even intimacy require wisdom. Click here to examine and understand your adoption.

Sexual Abuse »

Sexual abuse is a delicate issue, one that requires wisdom and compassion. Click here for more information.